Objects: Quiz

These questions are designed to be similar to ones that will be asked on certification exams.  Aim to get most of these questions correct on the first attempt.

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45 Responses to “Objects: Quiz”

  1. youngso April 12, 2017 at 8:38 pm #


    Question 3; “A lookup relationship has been added to the case object to relate cases to feature requests. This enables the customer service team to note which customers are experiencing an issue that directly relates to an existing feature request.” if the relationship is master-detail relationship instead of look relationship. would the roll-up summary field work? I think yes but, I know i am missing something.

    • JohnCoppedge April 13, 2017 at 2:35 pm #

      You can’t create a master/detail relationship on standard objects (so you couldn’t create it on the case) – if you could then it would work yes

      • mengqinas June 6, 2017 at 9:16 pm #

        Opportunity is a standard object, however a roll-up summary field can be build to sum all the won amount of opportunity. Why?

        • JohnCoppedge June 6, 2017 at 9:18 pm #

          Great question – the opportunity/account relationship does not behave the same way a lookup relationship would if you re-created it yourself (it is a non-standard lookup relationship). There are a few of these in system, but only between standard objects.

          • mengqinas June 7, 2017 at 12:39 am #

            Question No.3 is a good question, inspiring me thinking and thanks for your clarification. This is a amazing website, I like you way to organize and summary the knowledge points, which give me confidence that I can pass the certification exam. Thanks!

  2. mariem February 9, 2017 at 9:31 pm #

    Hi John,

    Could you recommend additional resources (video preferably) for understanding master-detail relationships? The Salesforce Help information makes my eyes glaze over and I appear to be hung up on this one concept.

    Love the series and feel I’m really building my skills. Thanks!


    • JohnCoppedge February 15, 2017 at 2:17 am #

      I don’t know of any but I will look towards building some additional info in the future-

      • Sal February 28, 2017 at 4:34 am #

        Hi John,
        In question no.3 why cant the answer be option (c) ?

  3. hayirina May 14, 2016 at 2:16 am #

    Hi John,

    I have question regarding 3d one. I was able to create master-detail relationship, Case is a master and Feature_Request is detail. After, I was able to build roll-up on case to count number of Feature_Requests. Can you clarify, please.

    • CarlosSiqueira May 17, 2016 at 2:16 am #

      I think the question was based on Case having a “lookup” relationship with Feature_Requests, therefore, the roll-up summary is not possible. Of course, if you change the relationship as you did, the roll-up becomes available.


      Can you comment?

      • JohnCoppedge May 18, 2016 at 8:16 pm #

        You are correct Carlos-

        The idea here is that a case is related to one feature request, and that a feature request can be linked to many cases.

        Creating the relationship on the case would mean that a feature request could only be linked to one case.

        Hope that clarifies!

        • meticulousmeerkat September 3, 2016 at 9:16 am #


          And we would also need to consider that Case is a standard Object, so it cannot be the child.

  4. mariarajpoot November 3, 2015 at 4:10 pm #


    I am really confused by Q2, and even though the question don’t change, I get the answer wrong every time. 3 times I have taken the quiz and not getting 100% on it.
    Please any clarification here would help, why do we need a 3rd object “Application”? and why any of the other options cannot be correct?

    • JohnCoppedge November 9, 2015 at 2:47 pm #

      What if a candidate applies to more than one job? The application object is used to create a relationship that would allow for this to occur.

      One applicant can apply to many job postings, and one job posting can have many job applicants.

  5. kavita_201 October 29, 2015 at 2:56 pm #

    Hi John,

    How many days deleted records will be staying in the Recycle bin before they can permanently erased?

  6. Andrew DeSanctis September 13, 2015 at 7:10 pm #


    From a functional “fewer clicks” standpoint, the first question really should be A.

    If I create a lookup on the case to the feature request, all I have is a link to the record. I can click on it to see the info, but if there are only a few feature request fields, it’s a little extra leg work. Plus, down the line, and I know you said the expectation is that there will be only one, we all know that’s an unreasonable expectation because the second there is more than one (there will be), there’s going to be a data quality issue. Then I’m going to have to go in and change it to a master detail anyway the second someone figures out, for whatever reason, the same people who open cases are also logging multiple feature requests.

    However, if I create a master detail to the Case object, I’ve got the contact roles, the various fields in that list view AND the feature request list view on the same page with the fields I want to see (without having to click the record). And the when that second feature request comes in from the same person that’s opened a case, it will be right there waiting…

    • JohnCoppedge September 14, 2015 at 5:17 am #

      That’s not a bad idea – a join object would definitely be worth considering on implementation. This was designed to be more of a functional question – but the scenario around it is certainly important – I’ll look at rewording.

    • CarlosSiqueira May 17, 2016 at 2:45 am #

      I got confused on this suggestion. As John posted, “One feature request can be associated to many cases, therefore the relationship field must be created on the case object.” What exactly this means? Feature Request can have Cases or Cases can have Feature Requests? If the former, It is confusing because Case being a standard object, can’t be a child of a custom object. If the latter. a lookup from Feature Request to Case would be (IMHO) the choice. If both can have each other, then a junction object should be created, with 2 master -detail, one for Feature Request and one for Case. What Am I missing?

      • JohnCoppedge May 19, 2016 at 3:57 pm #

        In execution you may very well have a many to many relationship. However, the question specifically states that the case looks up to the feature request.

        What this means is that a feature request can have many cases, but a case can only be linked to one feature request.

        There is no “master” object in this case as the relationship is lookup (not master-detail). You are correct- you could not create a master/detail relationship on the case (which would make feature request the master object).

        • aaronL333 June 8, 2017 at 5:59 am #

          Hi John,

          Referring to question 1… “the customer service team would like to note which customers have reported a case that pertains to an existing feature request.” I took the department that would be using this functionality into consideration when making my decision. Shouldn’t the department that is seeking this functionality be a consideration when determining how to set this up? The customer service team likely spends much of their time using the case object so it would make sense to make this information available via the case object.

          • JohnCoppedge June 8, 2017 at 11:55 am #

            In an implementation yes it would be – this question is really more about the practical considerations of creating the relationship. None of the answers go into roles/profiles/record types … which relationship and how you create it would have an impact on how the information is used

  7. hokiefez June 1, 2015 at 8:31 pm #

    Re: Question 1: I thought the restriction on the master-detail relationship was that the child could not be the standard object.

    Are you just saying that Standard Objects cannot be used in master-detail relationships AT ALL?


    • JohnCoppedge June 2, 2015 at 1:57 pm #

      A standard object can be the master of a master/detail relationship, but not the detail. When the relationship is created on an object, that object would become the detail of the relationship (e.g. you cannot create a master/detail field on the case, as this would make the case the detail object).

  8. Kevin Brown March 5, 2015 at 4:41 pm #

    No quiz button visible.

  9. Henry Ho January 16, 2015 at 9:44 pm #

    Hi John,

    On question 3 of the quiz, this is to confirm that in a Lookup Relationship, Roll-Up summary fields cannot be established. Can you confirm that Roll-Up summary fields are only available in a Master-Detail Relationship with a maximum of 10?


    • JohnCoppedge January 19, 2015 at 9:59 pm #

      Great question – there are exceptions to both of those statements, but typically the answer to both is yes.

      There are some standard lookup relationships (e.g. opportunity to account) that will allow you to create rollup summaries – and the default max # of rollup summary fields as of writing is 10 per object (however, you can typically have this limit increased if you have valid biz case and ask nicely).

      • Hikachu June 4, 2015 at 12:10 am #

        Thanks for this. I was scratching my head about why I could do a rollup if it’s a lookup field between account and opp and not a master-detail. How many exceptions to the rule are there with standard objects?

        • JohnCoppedge June 11, 2015 at 12:31 am #

          Not 100% on this but I recall there being two: Account/Opportunity and I think there is another one between Opportunity/Opportunity Line item (not 100% sure on this).

          It is limited enough that you don’t need to worry too much about the exceptions – there may be others I am not thinking of as well.

  10. Tasnim Tailor June 10, 2014 at 7:13 pm #

    Could you explain the answer for Question 1. I selected the 4th option and it says wrong.

    However the answer mentions – One feature request can be associated to many cases, therefore the relationship field must be created on the case object.

    What I’ve understood is that when a case is logged, the user should be able to select the Feature Request (if it is required else keep it empty). I’m just confused with what the answer explanation mentions v/s the correct answer to the question.

    • JohnCoppedge June 10, 2014 at 11:08 pm #

      The field needs to be defined on the case object – as you mention that’s where the user selects the feature request (create a field called feature request on case).

      There are two types of relationships available: master-detail and lookup.

      The correct answer is lookup for the following reasons:

      You can’t create a master-detail relationship on the case object (this is a restriction of Salesforce.com).

      A master-detail relationship requires that all records have a value; this would not necessarily be true (as a case could potentially not be related to a feature request).

      • Munira Majmundar November 9, 2015 at 2:56 am #

        I need to brush up on this; got it wrong.

        In the above response, you mention that a FIELD – called feature request – needed to be defined on the CASE Object. But, the question says that Feature _request__C is an OBJECT ! So, is the Feature Request a field or a custom object.

        I will research, but can you post a link which states Salesforce restriction that you can not create a master-detail relationship on the case object?

        Thanks, great site!!

  11. Mike Williams May 29, 2014 at 3:58 am #


    In Quiz question #2, which objects are Master and which are detail? Are Job Posting and Applicant both Masters, and Job Applicant is Detail, or the other way around?

    • JohnCoppedge June 10, 2014 at 10:00 pm #

      Hey Mike – you would need to be able to derive this from the question answers. The object where the master-detail field is created will always be the detail object of the master-detail relationship.

      • Berglind Heath-Smith September 10, 2014 at 1:50 pm #

        I’m not sure I follow – I thought that you could only set up a master detail field on the master object – or am I confusing this with roll-up summary fields?

        • JohnCoppedge September 17, 2014 at 7:38 pm #

          You may be confusing with rollups – the rollup is created on the master object.

          • jaydelaune January 23, 2017 at 7:30 pm #

            Thanks for this reminder re Roll-ups and Master-Detail relationships! This stream is very helpful – these quizzes and scenarios are excellent for making sure we’re actually understanding the nuances! Your patience is much appreciated.

    • pmulligan@salesforce.com March 8, 2016 at 1:42 am #

      The master object can be a standard object, such as Account or Opportunity, or a custom object. But I guess a standard object can not be on the detail side?

  12. mounika boppudi February 27, 2014 at 4:10 am #

    Hi John,

    How many days deleted records will be staying in the Recycle bin before they can permanently erased?


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