Exercises are a set of instructions to follow in your practice org (see Getting Started – Free if you do not have a practice org). The goal is to quickly introduce how to complete tasks or perform configuration.
Exercise Steps
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This practice is not working with Lightening. The developer package I downloaded was lightening and I am not able to add venues or set tab for the marketing team profile. Who does the exercise steps differ for lightening? Am I doing something wrong?
These exercises are set up for classic – sorry for the confusion.
How come the roll up summary field is a field option in campaigns? I thought standard fields for only look up relationships cannot have this option? Did I miss something?
Some of the standard lookup fields (e.g. account / opportunity) allow rollups – any custom lookups (that you create) would not
venue tab is not seen when i login as user.. marketing user is not customized . how to edit it?
You can check the profile that your user is assigned – make sure the venue tab is default on and the venue object has permission
Please don’t double post
when i login as user i m unable to see venue tab
when i login as user i am unable to see venue tab ..
Hey John – With Test user who has marketing user profile that i created is not able to create a New campaign? could you please advise?
If your Test user is not able to create a new Campaign, review the “Test as a User” step instruction – “Ensure this user has the “Marketing User” feature license (checkbox on the user record) just below Role and Profile.
For more background on this rather specific requirement – take a look at Spring’17 info – https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=users_feature_licenses_available.htm&type=0&language=en_US&release=206.5
Enables Users to “Create, edit, and delete campaigns, configure advanced campaign setup, and add campaign members and update their statuses with the Data Import Wizard.”
Hi John – Logged in as a marketing team user I see the Venues tab and test venue but cannot see the test campaign I created. Can select the venue for existing test campaigns. Any ideas?
Can you access the campaigns tab? Make sure the marketing user checkbox is checked on the user record and that you have permissions to the campaign object
I just went through this rigamarole, backtracking my steps to make sure I didn’t miss something. What ended up happening was, when you click on the Campaigns tab as my logged in user (James Smith in this case, from one of your previous tutorials), I had to click on “Go” in the “View All Active Campaigns” section. I believe that’s what Toye was talking about. After that, the Venue Campaign I created showed up in “Recent Campaigns”. Silly moment, but can cause some panic when things don’t line up from one view (Admin) to User (James Smith).
Ah great 😉
I think it would be helpful if you provided a scenario that describes the purpose of the exercise. This would help make it more practical for me rather than just following steps. Like you do on the scenario challenges.
Great feedback- will definitely take that under consideration
In order for your Test User to be able to create or edit a Campaign; you will need to go to the User detail page for the Test User and tick the “Marketing User” box. Without this you will not be able to create or edit a campaign.
PN: your profile and OWD must also be correctly configured which it will be if you clone the standard Marketing Profile and leave the OWD as Public Full Access.
Hi John,
I dun understand why a custom profile needs to be created for testing:
When a custom object is created, non-administrative profiles will not have any access to the object. You cannot update custom object permissions on standard profiles, therefore we will create a custom profile.
You cannot grant access to custom objects on standard profiles (except sys admin)… so if you want to create a record on a custom object, you need a custom profile.
Hi John ,
Quick question when creating the Custom Object . Would it make more sense for us to check off the ” Launch New Custom Tab Wizard after saving this custom object ” box so that it could take us to the next step ( Create Custom tab) ? is there any particular reason why we don’t do it like that ?
Omar ,
Hi Omar I just tried your suggestion e.g. Create new object then at bottom of the page selecting the option “Launch New Custom Tab Wizard after saving this custom object” and it works ok! I was immediately taken to Tabs to select Icon etc.
Hello Mr.Robert, I have tested it too and it works ! and this is why I was raising the question to John first place. So I guess we just have to wait for more people to share their opinion on this one.
Omar ,
Yeah that will work – same effect. I suggest taking the steps manually rather than using the wizard until you are familiar with the process.
As I created the object Venes, no problem. I did see that once I create the new profile “Marketing Team” I changed the default application to Marketing as part of the test. Also the Venes was set to “Default On” but missed a step to provide permission to the object. Did not discover this until I logged in as the Marketing User and could not see the Venes tab. Once I updated the permissions the object appeared.
Yep, I’ve definitely made that mistake too! Well done.
Hi John,
On step 3 of create the relationship you note “notice Master/Detail is not available, as this is a standard object.” Couldn’t you create a Master/Detail relationship where Campaign is the Master and Venue is detail because Campaign is a Standard Object? I realize you wouldn’t want to in this relationship because not every Campaign will have a venue making the relationship optional.
Hey Laura, the master/detail relationship is not available because a standard object (campaign) cannot be the detail of a master/detail relationship (meaning you cannot create a master/detail relationship on a standard object).
Hi John,
My test user can only see, the venues that he has created. I have checked the profile|object permissions settings for Venue, and it’s CRED. I have checked the object permission settings for Standard profile that the Marketing team was cloned from and it says “No Access” but I can’t change it.
Check the org wide default permissions for the object – it is probably set to private. Or you need to look at the list view for “all venues” as it may just be that only those items that have been viewed are showing in the dialog… the user may in fact have access to other records.
Dear John,
Once we make the Custom object & custom tab and we have custom fields for that page layout. When i save that record, it saves as a stand alone record and it does not sync itself to accounts or contacts. If i search for that record in Accounts or Contacts Tabs, it is not showing up. Is there a way to connect the Custom Object to Standard Object, wherein once i save the record in my Custom Object it saves in Account & Contact Objects too?
With a trigger or a the new process builder – you would need to have the custom object facilitate the creation of those standard objects
Minor typo in #4 of “Create custom tab Venue”:
“remember, the tab only appear” –> “remember, the tab only appears”
Thanks, updated
I think there may be one missing step. When you create the custom profile, you also need to make sure that the profile from which you copy or clone the Marketing Team profile has Read and Edit access for the Campaign object. If you choose Standard User (at least in my test dev instance), Campaign is read only by default.
Thanks, Lee! I knew I was missing something obvious (or maybe not so obvious on a Friday afternoon).
Updated, thanks all
Why does the user license for the Marketing Team Profile say “Authenticated Website?”
Where (what screen) are you seeing this?
Should users be able to view venues created by other users in the lookup field? Right now the admin can only view venues created by the admin, and my test user can only view venues created by the test user. Thanks!
The lookup view will show you the recently viewed records by default – if you search a venue owned by another user it should find it (unless you set the org wide default for the object to private).
When I was creating the Marketing Team Profile, I inadvertently left the default Existing Profile to clone from as ‘Authenticated Website’. See http://screencast.com/t/26te3RpYyFd. This meant that I didn’t see the custom venue object when editing permissions. I deleted the profile, and then re-created it by cloning the standard profile, and all was copacetic.
Yeah, that would do it 🙂 good catch
ohh..yeah missed that step.. After selecting Check box i am able to create campaign.
Thanks for the finding John.
Hi John,
I am unable to create campaign with test user. I have followed your steps to create custom profile (“Marketing Team”). I have also selected Existing Profile as “Marketing User” while creating “Marketing Team” profile and assigned this profile to the test user. Kindly advise if i missed any steps.
Did you check the marketing user checkbox on the user record?
Also, in testing as the marketing user, they do need the “marketing user” license attached right? I had to add it to my test user before I could create a new account. Also, any reason why we wouldn’t clone the standard marketing profile to create the custom one?
They need the marketing user license – yes. This allows them to create a campaign.
No problem with cloning the marketing profile.
Type in step 3 – Enter Pural Label “Venues”. should be “plural” 🙂
Thanks updated
In ‘Create the relationship from Campaign to Venue.’ the Admin needs to enter a Field Name between steps 4. and 5. (Step 3 of 6 of New Relationship Wizard)
Updated, thanks Kevin.
In “Test as an Administrator” I am unclear about the how and why of step 5. How do I associate my newly created venue record to a campaign record? Any why would I want to do this?
Ignore my previous question. As I continued through the study guide I found the explanation of how and why to create the master-detail relationship between Campaign and Venue.
I would suggest that you move this exercise further down the list in the study guide. In the main Objects section it is listed as the second item, but in the resources section it is listed after all of the topics are covered. It makes much more sense after all of the sections are completed.
Otherwise, I am finding this guide immensely helpful!
When I attempt to “Test as a User” I logged in as my second user but I do not see the Venture tab when I select Marketing application. I wonder why?
The tab visibility for the profile needs to be set to Default On – will update.
At step 5. … associate to your venue record created in the prior step I also need to select a Champaign. It looks like I have created a child Champaign?
A child campaign would be created if you populated the parent campaign field… not sure I am following?
Liking the site a great deal so far. Just a couple of things however.
– In the “Create the relationship from Campaign to Venue” section, shouldn’t Step 1 be “Setup –> Customize–>Campaigns –> Fields”.?
– In the “Test as a User” section, if you’re assigning a user to your newly created Profile, I’d mention that you have to ensure the “Marketing User” feature license is also selected for the user, otherwise, they won’t be able to create a new Campaign.
(unless I’m missing something?)
Both updated, you are correct!