* Free sections are shown as follows in the table of contents.
See Bulk Pricing if you would like to purchase access for multiple users.
See the FAQ for answers to common questions, including when the guide was last updated.
* Free sections are shown as follows in the table of contents.
See Bulk Pricing if you would like to purchase access for multiple users.
See the FAQ for answers to common questions, including when the guide was last updated.
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Hi John,
I have just purchased the $40 paid subscription – how does it differ from the free one? I can see the table of contents exactly the same. Can you please advise?
Hi there,
This is addressed in the FAQ, but essentially you will get an error message on many pages asking you to purchase access if you have not done so… there is a difference between access levels.
Thanks John – I’ll get started with the preparation now.
Hello John,
I am a Project Manager. What’s the best salesforce certification for me?
If you are managing CRM projects I would recommend the admin cert. If you’re managing custom application builds on Force.com, then I’d recommend app builder.
Is it full up to date?
Yep just completed winter 17 updates
A really great product produced by a well seasoned Salesforce professional. I used CertifiedOnDemand to get my certificate years ago, and now using it to train my young team!
Thanks John!
Awesome, thanks Jason!
It won’t let me purchase because it says my username is incorrect (which it is not) . I will contact support. Thanks so much.
I have just purchased the study guide. by when should i be able to get my hands on study guide. all i can go through us the free overview stuff.
Can you please provide any link or step guide to get the study guide.
If you purchased, then you will have immediate access to the entire guide. Do you possibly have two accounts (e.g. free and paid?) Please email support with details and we’ll get it squared away.
Hello John,
how do i do to paye in Euro ?
Thank you!
When you check out it will convert the amount from USD to EUR
hi there,
Wonder that the 40$ is one time payment for life time or monthly?
One time
I have just purchased the study guide but never received any receipt or confirmation # from the website. Can you please check if my transaction was successful.
Resent – let me know if it doesn’t come through
It didn’t come through, i did check the spam folder, its not even in there..
Replied offline, sorry for the delay
Hello everybody,
I’m an SF Admin from our Company and i wonder myself if it’s worth to pay for the Study Guide also
despite the fact that I dont have the purpose to get the Certifiacte. Is it worth ?
Does anyone paid for the Guide and also don’t want to get the Certificate ? …btw. is the 40 Dollar a one time cost or an Monthly amount ?
Best regards john s.
Hi John,
This is a one time fee – I would definitely recommend getting certified (for your own career if nothing else), as it will force you to learn the platform more broadly (rather than just the features you currently use). Good luck!
I have an email receipt for my payment and a confirmation number; however, I have lost access to the paid areas of your site. Please confirm that I have paid and have access as soon as possible.
You have two accounts. You are signed in under one @kaplan (which is a free account) – your @gmail account is the paid membership. Please sign in under your other account. If you cannot access your other account, please fill out the support form and we’ll get it squared away. Thanks!
Resolved! Thank you, John.
What are your subscription rates per month/quarter/annual?
The guide is a one time fee-
For those that are at this “Sign Up” page and who are considering purchasing the study guide, I can’t overstate what a great resource this has been for me toward learning key Salesforce.com configuration, data model, and security principles & bests practices. Using this as a resource for the Salesforce.com Administrator exam, these principles have helped me in becoming a Salesforce.com Certified Force.com Developer, Sales Cloud Consultant, and Advanced Administrator. Additionally, I’ve oftentimes come across business analysts at work referring to the “free” resources to aid them in familiarizing themselves with key Salesforce concepts. Outside of official Salesforce’s help documentation, this is easily the most complete, accurate, and readable guide toward mastery of key database and Salesforce.com concepts. Well done, John, and thank you for your contribution to the community!
Wow, thanks Will. That’s about all I can say 🙂 Really appreciate you taking the time to write this note, and I’m so glad CoD has been such a help!
Hi John, for some reason I keep getting Error 502 & reload page in 10 sec when I am on your website for the last 2 days. I’ve used 2 different computers with the same result. I’ll get on after some time, but just wasn’t sure if this had something to do with my end or yours? Thanks!
The hosting provider had an extended outage – now resolved. Please see http://classic.certifiedondemand.com/about-the-recent-outage/ for more details.
Is there anyone I can call because my payment will not go through?
Replied offline – I don’t see any issues with the payment gateway presently
I called my bank and they tell me that they dont see the transaction. Is there anyone I can call to make the payment?
Appears to be the credit card being declined – other transactions are going through without an issue. I would try another card if you can!
If I purchase the full Study Guide, approximately how many quiz questions and Test questions are there? The “Free” quizzes only have between 4 & 6 questions and so I’m wondering if there are a lot more questions on each section (including the sections with the “free” quizzes) with the purchased package?
There are a few questions per section, and a final exam at the end with 30 questions. The practice exam will at some point be expanded to 60 questions. That said, I would emphasize studying and accumulating knowledge more than practice questions – questions can only validate what you have or have not learned; they are not a very good tool for learning in my opinion.
nevermind, I saw the answer when I clicked “purchase”.
Is it $40 for the entire admin study guide (i.e. all 15 topics — or however many there are). Or is it $40 for each topic?
Entire guide