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Winter 18 Updates

Winter 18 Updates

I put together a video to summarize my favorites in the Winter 18 release.  Most of these updates are in Lightning Experience and don’t change the fundamental admin experience (or prep for the exam).  However, a few updates were made to the curriculum (Multiple Currencies, Person Accounts).

Spring ’17 Updates

Several updates have been made for the Spring 17 release.  Please see below: Stay in touch retired and removed: Updated to reflect new permission to edit converted leads: Lightning resources updated: Cloud scheduler removed: Lead update page updated:

About the Recent Outage

Hi everyone, As many of you have noticed, was unreachable for several days this past week.  I’ve been flooded with all forms of communication asking why and when it will be available again.  I tried to respond to as many of you as possible, and wanted to take a moment to explain what happened and what […]